

Hello AYCers!

It seems like the 2014/15 season just finished yesterday, yet we start preparations for the upcoming season in earnest! This started in May with the AGM and the election of the Committee for the 2015/16 season. I have been privileged to be the Club’s President for the past 2 years, and honoured to be re-elected for a further 12 months. Once again I would like to thank those Committee Members that served the Club during the previous 12 months and welcome the new and returning Committee Members.



>President : Marshall Moore 

>Snr Vice President : Patrick Smith 

>Secretary : Tristan Davidson 

>Treasurer : David Rossborough 

>Cricket Operations Manger : Mitch Daley


>Netball Operations Manager : Steph Rossborough 

>Bar Manager : Adam Johnston 

>Canteen Manager : Annemaree Rossborough 

>Property Manager : Adam Johnston 

>Parks & Gardens Delegate: TBA 

>ECA Delegate : Marshall Moore & Tristan Davison 

>General Committee : Tristan Ward, Adam Jones, Tracy Kendall, Craig Watkins, Neil Peake, Georgina Freeman & Liz Campbell.

I would specifically like to note the inclusion of a new position Netball Operations Manager, representing the inclusion of the Netball Team within the Club. Steph Rossborough will take on this position as the inaugural Netball Operations Manager.

I can’t wait to get stuck in to the task of planning for a successful 2015/16 season. The first piece of this puzzle is to announce the appointment of Neil Peake as coach. Neil came from Endeavour Hills at the start of last season and proved to be one of the Competitions’s most accomplished batsmen with a great coaching outlook. Neil will certainly look to continue to build on the improvement shown during last season and achieve an even better on field result for the Club.

I would also like to take this opportunity to outline my strategic priorities for the next 12 months.

1. Team Success: 

We are fortunate enough to have a re-developed home base that will be the envy of the ECA. Two seasons ago we had a long overdue overhaul of our cricket nets, last year the ground surface, pitch and drainage upgraded to be of the highest quality. I'm sure the players cannot wait to utilise these facilities, improve their cricket at training and ultimately have success on the weekend. My expectations are that we will continue to improve across all grades, building on the gains made last season.

2. Club Security: 

AYC has worked very hard over many years to ensure that we are a strong, viable cricket club, with great support internally from members and sponsors. Ideally I would like to see relationships grow between these stakeholders, which would include further recognition and support of sponsors both old and new, by the club and members. I would also like to ensure that past players are welcomed back to the Club and take an interest in this and future seasons. AYC is rich in history, and whilst we firmly place an emphasis on the direction the club is heading, it is equally important to recognise both the successes (and struggles) of the past.

3. Club Growth/Community Club: 

This year is a great opportunity to get back to Ashburton, our traditional home, and be a presence within this community. Many of our players both past and present, grew up in Ashburton, played junior cricket here and became the fabric of the club. Since 2010 at AYC, we have had an increase in teams from two to three and the introduction of a netball team that plays throughout the year. Our footprint is growing and a concerted effort will be made this year to get a junior team off the ground. I would also like to note that we had over 50 players represent the Club during last season across all 3 sides, many for just a few games helping out or filling in. I would like to encourage many of those players to take on a more active role in representing AYC on a regular basis.

4. Succession Planning: 

All successful clubs will have a viable plan for the future. Part of this is to ensure AYC is a preferred club for families and players to represent. Many of the activities throughout the season will support this, both within the AYC administrative structure and for on-field purposes, much of which has been outlined earlier.

As we work towards the start of the 2015 season, I can’t help but be excited about the prospects of AYC. A really busy off-season waits for us, with the hard work already begun.

Finally, I would like to recognise the sponsors of AYC Cricket Club who support us throughout the season. Firstly, our long term sponsors who have supported us for many years Bendigo Bank East Malvern, Chadstone Bakers Delight and Graphic Effects in Blackburn and secondly to a major new sponsor The Matthew Flinders Hotel in Chadstone. The continued sponsorship by these businesses is highly appreciated!



Marshall Moore

Marshall Moore
